As I stated before in my restart post, as part of this blog's development I wanna try keeping a regular posting schedule. . .next to random inspirations and discoveries. ;)
Normally, wednesdays are the busiest days of my week in college, which is why I thought it's best to keep it short then . . .
Therefore I'm going to just drop in some inspirational words, that - under all those miiiillions of quotes you can find on the web, these days - caught me most.
And hopefully these thoughts are going to call out to something inside you, too. . .
. . .Today's quote is mainly speaking for itself, I guess.
But since I find myself having more time today, than expected. . .I'm going to try being a little more specific about, why I choose this one.
(This might become awkward, as this could get a little deeper than a usual post... but whatever, right?! You can still decide whether to read or not, or you can just hate what I say and shout at me in the comments afterwards. . .;b)
Why it means something to me, is because I think I know a lot of people having some kind of a foggy idea of their "DREAM". . . but they don't really try to live up to it!
Most of them are simply not certain enough of what they want to do with their lives. They can't be blamed not to purchase their dreams, if they don't have something precise enough to put their finger on it, right?
But I believe they DO . . .somewhere in their soul. . .have a Dream / a purpose for being alive.
But because somewhere along the way they were taught to suppress daydreaming and focus more on "doing something's solid and more useful", they never allow themselves to really figure it out.
Personally, I've been lucky enough to have an outstandingly liberal education and my open-minded parents allowed - or even invited - me and my brothers to freely try ourselves to find out our strengths, our weaknesses and of course our passions.
Now here's the good thing for all, who weren't that lucky.
You can start EVERY single day anew!
If you don't know what your soul knows (. . .your purpose and special task in this world), it's never too late to find out.
Dare to think outside the box, defy yourself by trying different things, leave routines behind and take byroads or curved trails. . .
If I have learned ANYthing in life, it's that by taking detours you're mostly going to see and experience waaaay more beautiful things, than if you had walked straight towards the goal. . .
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