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Montag, Mai 13, 2013

mondayMAKINGS #3
~Tinkering with Paper~

Because of the tight schedule I had during the last week (4 family birthdays, college tasks, job and other organizational stuff) I'm still not able to show you some NEW "makings" here today. Sorry for that!!
But since no one knows my "old" stuff either,. . . (therefore wouldn't notice anyways) I suppose you won't mind when I post some crafty output from the last few years. ;b

Last week I showed a drawing, and the week before that there were also sketches and paintings. So I thought, why not go one dimension further and post 3D objects I (re-)designed. . .

I mentioned  my handmade goods shop on before. . . And that I plan to build up on it in the near future . . .

SOOOooo looking forward to jump into that adventure!! =D

So, to let you get a hint of what it could - maybe . . . somehow - look like, what I'm going to offer there I'm posting some of the crafty designs I've made as presents for friends before. 

I don't like giving loved ones something unpersonalized,. . .simply bought in a shop kinda stuff. All of my friends have more money than I do anyways, so they can better buy things they want for themselves. But what they're not so likely to do is create or design things for themselves.
So I take a chance whenever I can. ;b

Here are some more or less kitschy examples.
I know, things like that are maybe not necessarily suitable for the masses... 
But for a handemade-business-to-be it's at least worth to work out...
click to enlarge
decoupaged calendar diary book
customized Ikea wall clock design
Hawaiian surfer style customized Ikea mirror with keys hooks
fancy key holder board

So... what do you think?!
Would YOU have liked these as a present?
Do you see yourself falling in love with a tinker thingy like that enough to purchase it?!

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