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Mittwoch, Mai 15, 2013

~ Young-Ha KIM: "Be an artist, right now." ~

Today I want to share someone's words with you, that I believe should be heard by anyone who ever felt the slightest hint of creativity-craving inside their souls. . . but hesitated to live it out loud.

Kim Young-Ha (Kim is the surname, which in Korean - as well as Japanese - usually precedes the first name)  is a Korean novelist, who has an outstanding talent in vivid storytelling and engages in encouraging children and everyone else, too, to believe in their artistic vocation and let their fantasy and imagination strive. . .

His talk on the TED conference gives an insight in the possibilities of cultivating arts and boosting (hidden?) talents in everyone of us. And he does it in a really humorous way! ;)

Only a few quotes of his site at TED's

“We are all born artists. . . . Almost everything kids do is art.”
“The magic question is, ‘What for?’ But art is not for anything. Art is the ultimate goal.”


But you should better listen by yourself. . .



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